There is a wonderful article on Bio-identical hormones that all of you folks need to read. Please get the January 2015 edition of Family Circle Magazine and read “Second Spring” by Angela Starr. It explains so much about what every man and woman needs to know about their hormones and also what we do here in our office on a daily basis.

This entry was posted on January 12, 2015.

Her Bones are Back in Action! Natural cures for osteoporosis and osteopenia. Her primary care doctor said it couldn’t be done. HA!

from Rosemary V. — 5 stars. A huge thank you to my amazing doctor !! I am now officially out of the osteoporosis category and without the use of any of the horrible drugs prescribed for this condition!! Dr. Redash, you are the best!!! Anyone wanting to stay or become healthier, please see this wonderful man!! He knows what he is doing and puts a tremendous amount of time into his research and his patients! Love to you , Dr. R. and your wonderful wife Terri!! I am a patient for life!!!

This entry was posted on December 30, 2014.


We wish all of our patients/friends a very Happy Holiday Season and much love, health and happiness for the New Year. Make 2015 YOUR year everybody! Take charge of your health!
Peace and Blessings,
Doc & Teri Redash

This entry was posted on December 30, 2014.

This is what makes our mission so worth it!!!! A letter from out patient’s husband:

Dr. Redash:

I wanted you to know the whole story of what happened before my wife started treatment with you…

It was a beautiful spring day last year when I woke up to find a letter sitting on the kitchen counter from my wife. The letter reads as follows:

“My darling man I am crying as I write this letter for I feel so ashamed of the way I been acting lately. The rages I’ve been having could be caused by depression so I will ask the doctor on my next visit. Please don’t distance yourself from me any more, for I need you more than ever. I promise you sweetheart I’ll try harder to be a better wife … the kind that will always love you!”

We were newly weds at the time and I thought I knew the woman I just married. Then a few months later is when all hell broke loose. How could the love of my life turn into such a disaster? No one really knows what it’s like to live in total despair until you’ve lived it!

I stared at the ceiling so many nights wondering what went wrong with our marriage? I was so embarrassed to tell anyone because everyone thought we were so in love, including me. I had
no answers.

Being a man I didn’t know which way to turn. I didn’t know a thing about menopause and what my wife was going through. I felt hopeless until Teri made us feel right at home and very comfortable when making our first appointment. During our initial visit you explained to us how menopause can effect women both physically and emotionally. This meeting was encouraging to me since I was blaming my wife for actions she couldn’t control.

When test results came back showing there was problems with her hormones, adrenals, and thyroids, I guess you could say she was a mess both physically and emotionally! Our first visit with you made me realize I should have been more supportive during those times when my wife needed me the most.

Having the woman of my dreams back made me realize it wouldn’t be possible without your professional help. I Truly believe we would have ended up in divorce if it hadn’t been for you and Teri. My wife and I will always share this story where ever we go in hopes to help others as the two of you have helped us.

Sincerely Grateful,
Jerry M.

This entry was posted on July 28, 2014.


So What Is So Bad About Cholesterol ?

Space limits me from sharing all my thoughts and facts on this hotly debated, controversial topic of cholesterol. Throughout my career I have challenged the validity of the literature as well as the side effects of some of the cholesterol lowering medications.

Years ago the cut off for total cholesterol was 240 mg/dL, now it is 200. Who did that study? THE DRUG COMPANIES????!!!

First and foremost I ask you, what are the primary functions of cholesterol? I find that most people, including my colleagues, cannot answer that question. I shall list the major ones for you so you realize that we do need cholesterol to exist.

1 – Cholesterol is the building block for your hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, Dhea, testosterone, and cortisol. As a gynecologist I often see women for hormonal issues. If we don’t have cholesterol how can we make hormones?

2 – Cholesterol is involved in the formation of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is vital to health for SO many reasons.

3 – Cholesterol is one of the main components in the cell membranes of our brain. Behavioral issues, mood, attention span and memory are all related this.

4 – Cholesterol is involved in our digestion. It is involved in the formation of bile acids and bile salts which are responsible for complete digestion.

It is astounding how the emphasis is on lowering cholesterol when so many patients need to increase their cholesterol. The standard lipid panel that we all have had in the past is outdated. Many of us can tell their total, good and bad cholesterol numbers. What needs to be evaluated is the different bad and good cholesterols as we have several of each. Surprisingly, some of our “bad” cholesterol is not that bad. Genetic cholesterol level is another factor that needs to be evaluated and it is not addressed with the standard test. Cholesterol size is of utmost importance and in many cases of heart disease today it is not the cholesterol number but the size that determines whether or not we are at risk.

Side effects of cholesterol lowering medications (statins) are serious…Muscles aching, severe fatigue and feeling awful are common. This is rhabdomyolysis which translates to breakdown of connective and muscle tissue. The side effects are well documented. My concern is that our heart is also a muscle and subject to breakdown. Those on a statin need to be using CoQ 10. The dose needs to be individualized and often a blood test needs to be done.

We need to be aware of the facts:

1 – More than 600,000 people die each year of heart disease.
2- 150,000 (one fourth of the 600,000 ) die of SCD or sudden cardiac death with no prior known risk factors.
3 – Heart disease accounts for 25% of all US mortalities.
4 – Heart disease kills more females each year than the next 4 causes of death combined.
5 – Heart disease is very much underdiagnosed and undertreated in females in the US
6 – 50% of patients hospitalized with heart attacks had normal total cholesterol on admission.
7 – Greater than 75% of patients with heart attacks fell within normal limits regarding their LDL or bad cholesterol.
8 – One of greatest risk factors for men and heart disease is low testosterone.

In closing I am pleading with each and every one of you to no longer accept mediocrity when it comes to your health and that of your loved ones. The data is obvious. The technology has advanced to where we have so much more available to us. It will continue to save lives but only if we utilize it.

Allan W Redash, M.D.

This entry was posted on June 30, 2014.

Come See Us at the Library on 6/26!!!!!!

WHERE: East Nashville Public Library
WHEN: June 26th at 6:30 PM

The East Nashville Public Library on Main Street has asked us to speak as part of their summer health series!
They would like us to talk about Integrative, Functional and Alternative Medicine and how it can help YOU!
So come on out and bring your questions. This free lecture is open to all.

This entry was posted on June 19, 2014.

“Contact US” Not Working!!

It has come to our attention that the “Contact Us” icon on the website is not working properly. We are going to fix that but in the meantime, please call us at 226-2244 or e-mail us at:

I am SO sorry for the inconvenience!!!!!!!

This entry was posted on June 9, 2014.


Thermography is a diagnostic tool that works by detecting increased blood flow to a particular bodily area. While the scan can be performed on any part of the body, it is most commonly used in place of mammography. A thermogram does not utilize any radiation (yay!) nor does it cause any discomfort (ladies, think breast compression!) and it is non-invasive. Many diseases and cancers create a new network of blood vessels in order to feed their rapid growth. This can translate into a detectable rise in temperature in that area, which may allow for early detection of abnormalities. Call us to learn more today!

This entry was posted on June 9, 2014.

Think all Supplements are Created Equal??????

Well, think again! If your supplements/vitamins are not “pharmaceutical grade” then you may be wasting your money and not helping your health. Because the production of supplements is NOT regulated by the FDA, quality control is a huge issue. In general, most over the counter supplements are “food grade” or “medical grade”. Only pharmaceutical grade items are tested by their manufacturer for potency and purity. They are usually more expensive because their ingredients are pure and higher in cost. Ingredients that do not meet quality standards are rejected. They are therefore more “bio-available” which means that your body can actually use them more efficiently. The product label will match the product contents (if it says 5000 units of vitamin D that is what it will have.) “Regular” supplements are known (and allowed!)  to have huge discrepancies between product labeling and actual product contents. Only pharmaceutical grade brands are independently tested by a third party for this purpose. If your vitamin is relatively inexpensive and sold over the counter at most drug stores, chances are you are doing yourself an disservice!  How to tell? Check the label for the “USP”  (US Pharmacopeia) quality seal. is also a great website that can tell you about companies and their products.


This entry was posted on May 8, 2014.