Are you feeling SAD? Have your new years resolutions gone out the window in favor of the couch, fuzzy pants and some cookies? These short days and cold weather are no fun for anyone. “SAD” can lead to feelings of low energy/lethargy, moodiness, boredom, increase in appetite and weigh gain, just to name a few. The short days change the levels of our hormones, primarily serotonin (the “feel good” hormone) and melatonin, which helps to regulate sleep. Until daylight savings time begins here are a few things you can do:
Get some sun! Open the blinds, go outside for a walk, sit in front of a sunny window. Walking or exercise will also help beat the blues and make you feel better overall, maybe helping to decrease your appetite a bit. Yoga, acupuncture meditation and certain supplements (by order of your doctor only) have also been proven effective. Hang in there…relief is coming. We “spring ahead” on March 13th!

This entry was posted on February 25, 2016. Bookmark the permalink.