Tired? Stressed out……????

Tired? Stressed out????? …it may be  ADRENAL FATIGUE. Adrenal Fatigue is a decrease in the ability of the adrenal glands to perform their normal functions, and the majority of Americans suffer from it to some degree. The stressful lives that we all lead in this day and age, requiring multi-tasking and constantly “going” cause us to burn out our adrenal glands.  Fatigue is undoubtedly the main symptom but it also presents in many ways that we attribute to “getting older.”  Almost all of our patients come in with a multitude of symptoms and have been told that “all your blood work was normal.”  The majority of those patients were then placed on a variety of medications including anti-depressants, sleeping medications and anti-anxiety meds. This often only makes the problem worse. Fix the cause, don’t throw unnecessary medications at it and produce more side effects!

The symptoms of adrenal fatigue include depressed moods, inability to enjoy one’s self or life in general, decreased sex drive, inability to lose weight “no matter what I do” (especially around the midsection), cravings for carbohydrates/sugars, worsening allergies, and insomnia. Almost every patient will also present with foggy memory and/or loss of the ability to concentrate and to focus.

Adrenal Fatigue has clearly been associated with hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, anxiety and depression. One of the most common scenarios we see are those patients who have been treated for thyroid issues and are not seeing improvements despite increasing the dosage of their thyroid medications. Fortunately adrenal fatigue is easily treatable and patients are able to have a much improved quality of life.   Contact us to learn more!

This entry was posted on April 21, 2014.

Let’s start with some definitions!

This is one of the most common questions we get in our office.

‘WHAT IS THE MEANING OF ANTI-AGING, REGENERATIVE AND FUNCTIONAL                                                     MEDICINE?”

Anti-aging medicine can be simply defined as the detection, prevention, treatment and reversal of age related decline.  If we don’t look early enough for developing issues how can we expect to prevent them?  We are ALL developing hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, decline in brain function, and even cancer. None of us is immune even if we have a negative family history.  Too often we wait until either symptoms appear or abnormal values are noted and by then it is too late.

Functional Medicine is an integrative science-based approach that promotes wellness by focusing on the bio-chemically unique aspects of each patient.  It takes into account lifestyles, environment and genetics.  Interventions are based on finding the root cause of each problem and not simply just treating symptoms.

Regenerative Medicine asserts that the body can heal itself if given the proper nutrients and other healing factors.  Many traditional “treatments” are nothing more than chemicals that have not only a medicinal effect on the body but often have very negative side effects.  Stem cells are a great example of what the future may offer in assisting the body to treat itself.

Notice that the above definitions encompass three premises: INDIVIDUALIZATION, BALANCE and being PROACTIVE!  As none of us have the same fingerprint why would any of us have the same metabolism?  The “one dosage fits all ” mentality does not work and we need to move away from it.  We often think that more is better.  The truth of the matter is that too much of something can be as dangerous as too little and the time to start on the path to optimal wellness is NOW!!


This entry was posted on April 15, 2014.